"Al-Queerda" is 'The Last Straw'
may be leaving their hearts in San Francisco but an increasing number of
people are choosing to get the hell out of the socialist utopia by the
bay and a sanctuary city that values illegal alien murderers more than
its actual citizens.
a bit of news that should really come as no great shock to anyone who
understands what a shithole that liberal-infested California has become,
San Fran residents are bolting in the highest numbers in over a decade.
only is the cost of housing astronomical but the streets stink of urine
and vomit due to being filled with vagrants, illegal immigrants are
treated like royalty and the city and state government is has become a
one-party totalitarian dictatorship, but it is still sodomite city USA.
there is the message sent by a jury that allowed a scummy criminal
illegal who shot an innocent woman in Kate Steinle walk free to send a
political message to President Trump.
place isn’t it.
according to those making the exodus.
San Francisco CBS affiliate KPIX-5 “San
Francisco Bay Area Experiences Mass Exodus Of Residents”:
number of people packing up and moving out of the Bay Area just hit
its highest level in more than a decade.
Dabak spent 40 years living in San Jose and now she’s part of the mass
exodus that is showing no signs of slowing down.
retired engineer’s packing up and calling it quits about to move to
the state of Tennessee.
loved it here when I first got here. I really loved it here. But it’s
just not the same,” Dabak said.
course people come and go from the Bay Area all the time, but for the
first time in a long time, more people are leaving the Bay Area than
are coming in. And the number one place in the country for
out-migration is now, right here.
Hancock with Joint Venture Silicon Valley said, “Silicon Valley has
been this place that is growing. And it was mostly growing
because…people relocating here and relocating from other parts of the
world. That’s changing.”
Venture Silicon Valley’s own study of the out-migration says workers
are moving to Sacramento, Austin, and Portland due to a number of
factors. But topping the list is the high cost of housing.
can’t even contemplate getting into the housing market here,” Hancock
said. “And I don’t mean just service workers, I mean highly skilled
professionals. The tech elite are having a hard time affording
reasonable housing in Silicon Valley. So this is difficult, this makes
it very difficult for employers trying to recruit.”
of a San Jose U-Haul business say one of their biggest problems is
getting its rental moving vans back because so many are on a one-way
ticket out of town.
cites crowding, crime and politics as the reasons for her own exodus.
don’t like it here anymore. You know, we don’t like this sanctuary
state status and just the politics here,” she said.
is only the beginning too because the state of California is only going
to become more fanatically liberal because politicians and liberal
celebs just flat out reject the concept of the Electoral College.
advance warning for more people to flee was given by a recent story in
the Washington Post.
the WaPo “Think
California politics is on the far-left fringe? Just wait for the next
those who think California politics is on the far-left fringe of the
national spectrum, stand by. The next election season, already well
underway here, will showcase a younger generation of Democrats that is
more liberal and personally invested in standing up to President
Trump’s Washington than those leaving office.
in the self-labeled “state of resistance,” the political debate is
being pushed further left without any sign of a Republican renaissance
to serve as a check on spending and social policy ambitions. Even some
Republicans are concerned about the departure of Gov. Jerry Brown (D),
who proved to be fiscally cautious after inheriting a state seven
years ago in deep recession.
race to succeed him, as well as contests for U.S. Senate and statewide
offices, probably will feature a November ballot exclusively filled
with Democrats. The top two primary finishers compete in the state’s
general election regardless of party, setting up several races between
the Democrats’ left and even-more-left wings in the nation’s
most-populous state, races that could signal the direction of the
party’s future.
wait for the CalExit? That the hell out now while the getting’s good!
the unintended consequences of this is that they are
moving to my neck of the woods. The same $1,000,000
house in the bay area literally cost $200,000 here.
This will inevitably raise housing prices here, which
can be good or bad depending on if you already own, or
are a first time home buyer.
biggest issue I see here is that most of the people
that are fleeing California in general are still
liberals. So they kind of fit in when they move to the
urban areas.
was at the gas pump not too long ago with the old
Chevy loaded up for a day of phunn in the hills
wearing a mild case of tactical gear and was openly
carrying (which I almost never do, except I just
needed a splash of gas) and the car next to me had
Cali plates on it. I said a nice little hello, and I
guess they assumed I was law enforcement when they
mentioned they had never seen an unmarked police
vehicle like mine before.
said, "No, I just live down the street and a few of my
buddies are going shooting and practicing some
tactical drills," I don't think I have ever saw a face
go white faster than theirs. They noticeably picked up
the pace of getting in the car and driving away.
that's the way to scare them off, I don't know.......
the mass exodus from BOTH Left coasts into
fly-over country in MANY cases isn’t
unintentional. And it’s been going on for some
time now with little attention as possible paid to
Similar to the necessary influx of migrants from
“sh*thole” countries everywhere invading the
United States, unabated for decades but has
drastically increased in recent years, these
movements and relocations too are equally as
The aim is indeed to turn red states blue. A
“saturation effort”, basically. But even more
sinister efforts than just that are afoot.
the surface, below it and at its core, the Left is
evil. As we all know.
There is a deliberate alignment taking place here.
All should be concerned and highly aware.
- Loved your story!👍👍)
correct. Browning down the country. White
offers the people $98/hr to complete
small jobs from home .. Do job for only
few peroid of time daily & spend
more time together with your family ...
any individual can join this easy
this Tuesday I bought a gorgeous Lotus
Elise just after earnin $16200
this-past/six weeks .it's actually the
easiest job however you could no longer
forgive yourself if you don’t view it.
⇨⇨⇨ http://GoogleBayOnlineIncome/getpay/$99/per-hr...
initiate the scaring as they come across our
southern border, my friend. ;)
brother!! Any stragglers that get past you
will be in for more phunn and games!!
bring a few of my friends just for Shiites and
kind of men. Now if I could find one for a
husband I'd be in hog heaven. Im not a
liberal and free to a good home. ☺️
be time for polygamy to come into
style. The libs seem to think every
other form of oddity is acceptable.
being pushed, by Whites in the
mid-west seriously because they
allow homo marriage based on
homo's saying you can't help who
you love and it's not the states
buisness to discriminate, so the
logic follows, polygamy.
can't make one wife happy, how
do you think multiple wives
would work out?
understand that. I am not
promoting polygamy just
letting you'll know there
is a rreal effort to make
this legal.
and guess what happens
when their cycles sync up
at the same damn time!!
Amazon Battalion!!
funny! Where you at in TN? My (now deceased)
(maternal) Grandparents lived in Mt Pleasant. I
spent a couple of youthful years near
Murfreesboro. Grandpa used to buy a new BMW
motorcycle in the spring, ride on only the most
perfect of days, put a couple thousand miles on
it, then trade it in on a new one the next spring.
We went out a few times and shot his revolvers.
That was all a long time ago.
live in SW Washington State. It's a gimme that
these folks fly north where they can almost
retire by selling their house and the weather
is pretty mild. My concern is they are
bringing their liberal baggage with them and
that is how they will vote.
my bad. Yes, you're being invaded, one
commie at a time.
not in TN, sir. He's in my neck of the woods.
assume these were White liberal SJW's? The worst
of the lot. I hope they left and went back to
liberal shithole California!

they stick around, but tend to migrate to the
urban areas that they are used to. The town I
live in is relatively small by their standards
so you don't run into to too many.
is refreshing though when I do run across a
Cali transplant that isn't scared to death at
the sight of a civilian carrying a firearm. It
just doesn't happen very often.
to long ago I happen to witness a conversation
between one of our managers and an angry
customer because she saw another customer
openly carrying a 1911. She was concerned what
kind of impression it would make to children.
I bit my lip and walked away.
after that I was leaving and the store I work
at also has a gas station right off of I-5
(the main interstate between Canada and
Mexico) and I went to fill 'er up. I noticed
the same customer bitching to one of the
attendants, why we don't run out to her car
and pump the gas for her and she was irritated
that she had to ask someone to do it.
next thought..... Cali plates.
so wanted to say something to this person,
like, "If you don't like it here, don't bother
coming here, and please don't ever move
here....." But I was irritated enough already
and knew that would just not be the right
thing to do, plus I like what I do..
didn't realize full service gas stations
existed anymore? She wants equal rights
basically to be treated like a man but she
wanted a man to pump her gas? STUPID 🔫
ha!! In Oreegone it’s fu@king illegal
to pump your own gas!! When you pull
up to get fuel in that state you’re
supposed to wait until someone does it
for you!!
on the rare occasion that I need to
get fueled up in Oreegone, I just hop
out and start the process.
if they say something after I didn’t
have to wait for someone to do it for
me I just ask for them to call the
boss or the cops. Pick one....
is it illegal to pump your own
gas? Did SJW's start the gas
challenge, like they did the Tide
pod challenge?
the law in Oreegone. Evidently
someone probably spilled a
couple drops of gas at some
point so they passed a law
that you can’t pump your own
would have had to say something by then.
Being a woman myself I could have gotten
away with telling where her to stuff it.
moved to Kentucky from Shitcago. The
yankees that move here have 2 choices.
(Just like immigrants). Assimilate totally
or be crabby and an asshole just like
where they came from. Ask about my AR 15
and you can tell which way I went. BTW,
lets go fishing!!
their soul's, they just don't know better.
can this be?? This is di finesteen country.
I recall reading that the vehicle towing dead castro,
the commie's trailer broke down en route to the
recycling center.
can this be? What of excellence in central guvamint?
If one listens to fake snews and infamous politicians,
one has the impression that socialism/communism has
succeeded everywhere. Sure! Selfish Americans cling to
outdated capitalism and democracy.
it was s.fran that was banning outdoor grills but take
a dump wherever you'd like, someone will clean-up
after you.
name is GarBage...
come to Alabama !!!
I'm not from Alabama Jay, but I'll stand with you
late Jay! The first wagon train left. It has a
very colorful wagon master but based upon
his/her/its job history the likelihood of the
wagons making it is unlikely.
Russian highwaymen may stop, rob and pillage the
wagon train.
it ain't so..
Well fuck...I guess I'm gonna have to move ...
Anyone know of a good state where there's lots
of grass to mow and lawns to tend to??
Beautiful place, and very gun friendly. So
come on over Jay!
would have to learn Spanish, and
there are a good many dialects.
Obama riding dreher in a unicorn costume! :0
just saw a bus with kalifornia plates go by, full
of freaks in pink spandex with feathers and some
other crazy shit. The bus had a big sign in the
rear window that said Dothan, AL or Bust! Just
thought I'd warn you they were coming.
Its starting ...lol
he invited those guys. :)
bus is rainbow glitter. I saw it passing
through 1-40 Camp Lejeune.